Friday, February 7, 2014

Iago A.K.A The Character Nobody Really Likes

Click here to read Othello!

Here I am again with this blog that I just love doing every Friday night, so let's get started.

Now that I'm done The Book Thief, my class is now starting Othello by the one and only Shakespeare.  Sounds exciting right?

 One of the main characters, Iago, is a very special one.

Iago is a foil of another main character, Othello.

Foil is basically having two characters with opposite personalities.

An example of foil is from the movie most of us know, Star Wars.

Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are foils.

Alright, no more on foil, but if you are really interested in learning more about it, then click here.

Iago is in fact a troublemaker. 

And if Iago if you're reading this (even though you're a fictional character from a play written hundreds of years ago),

Nobody likes you. Not one bit.

In the beginning of Othello, Iago is very mad at Michael Cassio, the guy who got the job as lieutenant.

Iago is just jealous because his job is a flag bearer and Cassio has a way cooler job than him. 

"Awake! What, ho, Brabantio! Thieves! Thieves!
Look to your house, your daughter, and your bags!
Thieves! thieves!"(Act 1 Scene 1 Page 3).
Iago falsely awoken Brabantio, the senator.
See Iago, this is why nobody likes you.
And Iago told Brabantio that the Moor (Othello) is with Desdemona, Brabantio's daughter.
Basically, Iago is like one of those dramatic girls you see in the hallway spreading rumors about the stupidest things.
Here are thoughts from other people about Iago in a video:
( If the video isn't working, then click here.)
That is about it for this week.
I'll be back next week with another character from Othello.

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